If you are a resident in our catchment area, and would like to register with ourselves.

Our catchment area 

You can complete our paper registration forms, please ask one of our reception staff. You will be given a registration form and a questionnaire to complete outlining current and past medical problems and the medications you are taking.

Once you have been registered, you may be invited to make an appointment. 

In the unlikely event that you are unable to register with the practice, you will be given a written reason why you are unable to register with the practice and information on how to find a GP in your area.

Temporary Residents

You are entitled to see a doctor anywhere in the UK if you are away from home and in need of medical help. You can do this by asking to see the nearest doctor as a temporary resident. By the same token, we are happy to see your relatives or friends staying with you if they need a doctor. If necessary, the doctor can supply a prescription for up to two weeks.